A tribute to Crazy P’s much loved lead singer Danielle Moore who sadly passed away on August 30th
A few weeks ago, we learned of the tragic passing of one of our favourite and much loved singers – Danielle Moore. A leading light on and off the stage, she was a powerful performer and all round wonder woman.
In her words – “Performing is everything”. You knew straight away when she was on stage: exuding a charm and confidence that always caught the moment, whilst belting out all manner of cosmic choral sounds. Time and time again, she channelled a unique exchange of energy with her audiences that made every show a thrill. All wrapped up in a unique charm and down to earth being that will sorely missed.
Having been a keen follower of the band since the early 00s, we’d had the opportunity to watch Crazy P play and Danielle perform many times over the last 20 years. On the odd occasion, our paths had crossed, banter exchanged and a few drinks had. Her passing leaves a big big hole in the lives of all her family and friends around her to say the least.
As Irish singer Róisín Murphy put it, “One of the most beautiful souls has left us. The brillant Danielle Moore of Crazy P has died suddenly and she has taken so much light with her. One of the best in music, an amazing person and an amazing singer, performer and songwriter. I know there will be a great sense of loss and mourning across our community. She touched everybody she met with light and love.”
Read some of the tributes to Danielle:
DJ Magazine
Resident Advisor
Given Crazy P’s place in our collective music collections and how much we’ve enjoyed her singing and energy on stage over the last 2 decades. We wanted to mark her passing with a small tribute of our own with a selection of songs that have been with us over the years.