Digging into the catalogue of unsung hero Akua Grant aka Lady Blacktronika
Lady Blacktronika is certainly no stranger to fans and records buyers who inhabit the realms of deep, introspective, soul-tinged House. Whilst the likes of Theo Parrish, Moodymann, Rick Wilhite and Fred P may be more instantly recognisable names in the genre, sometimes impressively known as the “deep housing crisis management savings and loan affiliate”, Akua Grant’s incredible voice and second to none production skills are a real treasure.
Grant first got her start in 1997, singing for San Jose based DJ, Producer and close friend Mattski. Fast-forward to 2006 and she began trying her hand at producing music, which soon garnered the attention of the late and great Mike Huckaby. At a time when Myspace was the place to get discovered: shortly after Spanish deep house imprint “Deep Explorer” put her incredible music on the map. And since led to her amassing an extensive discography over the last two decades, including releases on her own labels: Sound Black Recordings and Sound Kemystry.
Whilst in recent times, her music has moved unapologetically into a new bold signature sound, embracing full throttle Techno under the guise of Femanyst. Grant has launched a new label “Dark Carousel” alongside releasing for the likes of Paula Temple, continuing to set herself apart as one of the most unrelenting and innovative creators working out of her home in Berlin today.
Her releases, live mixes, podcasts and vocal performances continuing to grab recognition and respect amongst the faithful, she definitely stands out as an innovator who rightly earned herself the title as “The First Lady of Beatdown”, for her consistently brilliant work.
To celebrate and hopefully shine a light on her unique talent, here’s a selection of music that really highlights her sublime talent for making heartfelt music, that deserves far greater props: